Prosthetic Eyes / Custom Ocular Prostheses
Prosthetic Eye Clinic / Ocular Prosthesis Technologies
RealLifeFaces prosthetic eye patients run the spectrum in age, ethnicity, and facial anatomy.
The Prosthetic Eye Clinic, located within The Center for Alloplastic Facial Reconstruction, serves all the needs of the prosthetic eye and facial prosthetic patients: from the initial custom design of prosthetic eyes and faces to fitting, follow up, and ongoing clinical care. Patients’ ocular prostheses and socket anatomy are continually monitored by referring ophthalmologists and oculoplastic and plastic surgeons. In addition to the highest level of clinical prosthetic eye care, patients also have the advantage of receiving unique prosthetic technologies. One of these exclusive prosthetic technology offerings is the RealLifeEye™ Artificial Eye Technology.

Eye Prostheses with eye lid restoration

Eye Prostheses with superior lid restoration

Impression fitted Eye Prostheses

Neo-Iris Prosthesis Technology

Emblem Iris Prosthesis

Military Eye Prosthesis

Sports Eye Prosthesis
Before and After- Patient Fitted with Two Custom Prosthetic Eyes

The unsurpassed life-like appearance of RealLifeEye™ prosthetic eye technology is attributed to the engineered combination of computer pigment printing, innovative transparent layering processes, and artistic hand-painting techniques.
The diagram depicts the unique multi-step processes used to create the RealLifeEye™ prosthetic eye technology.
Diagram of the RealLifeEye™ Prosthetic Eye Design and Creation Process
RealLifeSkin™ Orbital Prosthesis Technologies

Prosthetic Eye with Prosthetic Lids and Surrounding Tissue – Orbital Prostheses

RealLifeSkin™ Orbital prostheses (eye prostheses with prosthetic skin around the eye, creating a small hemi-facial prosthesis) are designed from several exclusive prosthetic technologies only available at the Real Life Center: The outer hyper-life-like RealLifeSkin™ prosthetic skin and the sub-dermal Intra-Anatomy™. These technologies are profiled in the Prosthetic Technologies section of the website.
Prosthesis Retention
Retention of RealLifeSkin™ orbital and facial prostheses is accomplished by several methods: use of our patented Intra-Anatomy™ (also called Internal Fixation Retention- IFR), osseointegration, medical adhesive, use of eyeglasses, or a combination of these methods. The above diagram depicts the use of the Intra-Anatomy™ prosthesis retention method.
During the first Prosthetic Clinic visit, each patient is evaluated individually to best determine which prosthetic retention method or combination of prosthetic methods is best for them. Many patients email photographs for a pre-prosthesis evaluation in order to save on travel resources – this can be done through the online Contact Form found under the Contact section.
RealLifeSkin Orbital Prosthesis includes both patented sub-dermal reconstruction technology, as well as the ultra life-like RealLifeSkin dermal and epidermal prosthetic skin technology.
Intra-Anatomy™ Prosthetic Sinus Cavity &
Prosthetic Orbit Technology
Key Features:
– Tissue Stabilization
After an exteneration surgery (removal of the full orbit of the eyeball, including intra-ocular muscles with surrounding tissue), many patients are not aware that the surrounding skin and bone will migrate into the facial/sinus cavity opening over time unless a prosthesis is fitted inside. This is especially the case when the sinus cavity is exposed. The use of Intra-Anatomy™ prosthetic sinus cavity reconstruction technology designed into the orbital/hemi-facial prosthesis naturally inhibits tissue and bone migration.
– Sinus Replication
Exteneration surgery often exposes the sinus cavity. The Intra-Anatomy™ prosthetic aspect can be designed into sinus pathways so that secretions are drained, by gravity flow, into the posterior sinus cavity or, if necessary, into an alloplastic cup-shaped collecting cavity.
– Artificial Bone
Bone-like prosthetic removable implants are often designed into the Intra-Antomy™ prosthesis when it is needed to help improve normal speech resonance. In cases such as these, artificial bone can also act as a retentive aid and help maintain the integrity of the entire sub-dermal prosthetic section of the prosthesis.